Are birthmarks dangerous? Birthmarks are areas of discoloured and/or raised skin that are evident at birth or a few weeks after birth. Birthmarks can be formed from pigment cells or blood vessels Although the cause of birthmarks is unknown, most birthmarks are benign (non-cancerous) and do […]

Sports during pregnancy Being pregnant does not mean that you have to stop doing sport, as this activity is as healthy for you as it is for your baby. The important thing to remember is that you can’t exert yourself too much, such as lifting weights. […]

The importance of creating strong family ties Strong family ties, based on respect and love, are the pillars of children’s physical and emotional development. For this reason, we must work and build the bond with our children from their first second of life. It is the […]

It is easy to see how people relate to each other, but how do babies do it? As soon as we are born, we are already socialising. From the very first moment, the baby relates to its mother and father and then ‘gets to know’ more […]